Microsoft Surface Pro 3 (128 GB, Intel Core i5)




Microsoft seems to always advertise their Surface Pro products towards businesses, IT, artists, and engineers. They forget to mention the great benefit this Surface Pro 3 has for students! I'm going to give 6 reasons why the Surface 3 is great for students, such as myself.

First, a quick about me. I am currently a biochemistry major in college and while taking 20 units last quarter, most days I would have to carry 5 notebooks, occasionally 1-2 textbooks, 1-2 lab notebooks, and my surface RT tablet. In short, my backpack was thick and heavy.

Introduce, the Surface Pro 3, and the 6 reasons why it is absolutely great for students.

1) It can replace your notebooks for note taking.

With the new surface pen and larger screen, taking notes is a breeze. Writing on it feels great, though a little slippery, but great nonetheless. Now, I have no need for my 5 notebooks or the many colored pens that I would carry. With Onenote, all my notes are organized and will stay that way. And since it backs up to the cloud, accessing it from anywhere is a great convenience. Having my notes for me to study at any time on my phone ensures I can always have my access to my notes. In short, it organized my school life and made my bag lighter and thinner.

2) It can replace your textbooks.

Because of its 12 inch, high resolution, paper-like screen, reading e-book versions of textbooks, as well as PDF's, feels "normal" if that makes sense. The 1.76 pound SP3 greatly reduces the weight of my Physics, O-chem, and Biology textbooks in my backpack. Also, having textbooks on my surface means I’ll never have the scenario where I accidentally leave my textbook at my home/dorm/apartment. Another bonus, the ability to use the Surface Pen to mark up PDF's and textbooks allows for great in-text note taking and editing.

3) It can replace your tablet.

Looking at the SP3 as just a tablet, there is one obvious drawback, the lack of the overall amount of apps in the Windows App Store when compared to that of iOS and Android. Note however that you can install desktop applications on the SP3. More on that later. Although the Windows Market is small, it has most of the general apps that people use on tablets (Facebook, Twitter, Netflix, Skype, etc.) For apps like Youtube and Instagram, you can find non-official apps that simulate the official one quite well. There are also a hand full of fun games you can find on the windows market. Many review say it's a ghost town, but it you look around you can find some pretty good apps. All this tablet talk is important to me as a student because there are times, of course, when I don't want to study or have free time. Simple apps can keep me occupied will during gaps between classes, or when I'm at home and want to play a quick game or use Netflix.

4) It can replace your laptop.

This is Microsoft's main theme for this product. And in short, it can, given some compromises. It runs full Window's 8.1 Professional so most (if not all) of the desktop applications that can be run on Windows is compatible. This is great if you have specific programs you need to run, or just want to install popular programs like Spotify or Steam. This makes the whole "lack of apps" problem not as significant. Speaking of programs, I like to run Steam for playing games. The SP3 is not a gaming machine by any standard, but on low settings it can run games at a playable frame rate. I have the i5 processer, 8 gigs of RAM, 256 ssd version and it runs smoothly and quickly when running everyday tasks, much like a laptop. Also, the Type Cover Keyboard is greatly improved from the previous generations. If you are going to be typing for long periods of time, it may not be the best for you. But for everything else it works great. The second magnetic strip that attaches to the bezel provides great support. The touchpad is a little small, but once you get used to it that doesn’t become a problem. I suggest trying one out for yourself because everyone is different. Lastly, the new kickstand allows for many angles in which you can position the surface. Again, I suggest testing a surface for yourself. In the end, it’s not exactly like a laptop, but it can do all the things an Ultrabook can.

5) It can simulate a desktop.

With a monitor/tv, and Bluetooth keyboard and mouse, this tablet can be connected to a screen and run a dual-screen interface. This is what I do and it makes a huge difference. A larger than 12 inch screen and full keyboard and mouse simulates a desktop feel. Being able to come back to my room and plug in my SP3, and just as easily disconnect the SP3 and leave, makes me ultra-portable and efficient.

6) All of this, and its 1.76 lbs and 0.36 inch thin.

Even if you don’t like the SP3, its undeniable that it is a great piece of hardware. Students are always on the move and having a light device like this, that can replace a multitude of things in your backpack, is a real convenience. No more thick textbooks, no more having to carry multiple notebooks, and no more need to carry a laptop and tablet. Less weight, less thickness. From my experience, I can get anywhere from 6-10 hours of battery life. It really depends what you’re doing and what your settings are. The SP3 should be able last the whole day for most student class schedules.

In closing, if you are a student and are looking for something for school, take a look at the SP3. Is it expensive, yes. But it is an incredibly versatile piece of technology that can help to simplify your life. I hope this review helped and thanks for reading! (P.S. Students get a 10% discount when you buy from a Microsoft Store or their online store! Take advantage!)

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