Advanced Calculator
It has big buttons. No, I mean B I G buttons. On my 10.1 screen, I could do math by bashing my forehead across the screen. Yes, big buttons.
A really small calculator application, approximately 1mb, that would be the ideal go-to for anyone who gets tired of reaching for the reading glasses (if you can find them in the first place) when needing to do some quick sums. Almost permission free; no privacy permissions, just network access... which mystifies me. There is no reason even for the network permissions as it runs offline. No intrusive bits at all, no other app links, no push notifications, just huge buttons and you. Pixatel would have hit a home run if they had simply left out what seems to be an unnecessary permission.
Nevertheless, although I prefer my NEOCALC for it's sheer flexibility, and going beyond a harmless but useless permission, ADVANCED CALCULATOR will be absolutely perfect on any size screen for anyone just wanting a daily calculator with very easy-to-see features.
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