I like unique apps like this. I used to be a math major, so an app that combines math and art like this app does is a great find for me. The concept is simple: make art with trigonometric shapes using the tools you are given. There are several save options in the menu (accessible through the side panel), letting you save to different formats such as jpeg and html. I also like that there is a clean exit through the same menu, and that there are no bad permissions.
There is one flaw with this app, though. There are six buttons at the bottom of the screen that you can play around with. However, there are no instructions telling you what these buttons do, leaving you with the task of figuring out what these buttons do. So far, I've figured out three of the six buttons, with a couple of clues for the rest. In order from left to right:
1) Adjust center point of the shapes.
2) Change the color palette and shading.
3) Clue: Something to do with angles.
4) Clue: Seems to toggle between shapes.
5) Clue: Something to do with lines.
6) Erase all nonmoving objects on the screen.
I'm not confident that those are accurate. Here's the thing, though: I shouldn't have to guess at what something is supposed to do. There should at least be some instructions telling you what each button's function is. It's more frustrating to sit there guessing than it is to look something up in the menu.
I think this app has a lot of potential, and it is still a lot of fun to play around with. All it needs is proper instructions to make this app less frustrating and more enjoyable. Until then, I give this app 3 stars.
- Sam
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