The Weather Channel for Android
I have loved the Weather Channel app for several years on both my phone and my Kindle Fire. It has had some issues but they have seemed to fix those issues once they are known. The latest issue was with you not being able to get the latest info, would be old and there was no refresh button. The app now has a refresh button, and always seems to have the latest info when I open it.
However, I recently purchased a Kindle Fire HD. The first app that I installed was the Weather Channel app. After a few days, I began to notice that my Fire HD had no battery life.
I fully charged it. Went to bed and read for just a little bit. Made sure the wifi was turned off. When I woke in the morning, I only had 36% of battery left. And it was asleep all night.
So after playing with it for several days, turning this and that off, uninstalling different apps, I've come to find out that it is the Weather Channel app that is sucking the battery life out of the Fire. I have now uninstalled it and gone are the battery issues. I can go to bed at night and it loses at most 2-3% of it's battery life over night.
And I can now believe that the Fire does have an 11 hour battery life. Previously, I was getting, at most, 4 hours of use.
I gave the app 3 stars because it IS a super great app. And I'm hoping that the developers will soon look at the problem of why it is using so much battery power.
I just want an app, that when I click on it, I can find out the weather forecast for my home and a few selected cities. I don't want it to keep running when I'm not using it.
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