Adventures of a Wizard
The game is a pretty straightforward approach to a platformer game. That is by far a favorite genre of mine, having grown up on the likes of Super Mario Bros on NES and Sonic games for Genesis. But the controls just feel unnatural.
It's clear that the talent behind the artwork is leagues ahead of the talent behind the game designer. This looks and plays like stuff I did for fun in highschool. To put it bluntly, it isn't good. The good artwork stands out from the bad and it feels very inconsistent. Even the main character is an undescribable object that is constantly in the same position. More than likely because the developer couldn't work out how to properly animate an object that is controlled by the player. Spider enemies move just fine back and forth with the same looping animation. Sound effects overlap each other even when coming from the same source. There are so many amateur programming flaws here that it is almost embarrassing. As if the unrefined presentation wasn't bad enough.
The game controls are actually somewhat decent but simply don't mesh well with traditional platforming and jumping about. It gives you a generous amount of "double, triple, quadruple" jumping in mid air, but actions like this are accompanied by obnoxious sound effects. It doesn't help that there is no music whatsoever. You also have attacks with nice looking aftermath effects of dust rising and objects breaking apart with independent physics as they fall to pieces. This helps to destroy enemies and obstacles in your path as you look for stars. Finding three stars means you've completed the stage. And the stage is usually over in a minute or two.
May be a good game one day, but for now, it is the perfect example of a kid's first videogame project. I'm glad it's free. Don't pay for this. But do the developer some kindness and at least play and critique this so his countless hours of effort don't amount to absolutely nothing. Perhaps for now this should be free to download with some ads at the start and loading screens for extra income for the developer.
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